Miniclip 8 ball pool aimer
Miniclip 8 ball pool aimer

miniclip 8 ball pool aimer

The path from the cue ball to the 8 ball stays the same straight line. Regardless of all that information, the point is that whatever spin is put on the cue ball in the shot below, the aim of the shot does not need to be changed. The cue all will head towards the middle of the table instead of up towards the top pockets. That right English will cause the right spin on the ball to "grab" the rail and therefore reduce the angle with which the cue ball comes off the rail after cutting the 8 ball. Therefore, this shot needs to be adjusted to add some English, where the cue stick will strike the cue ball on the right side, such that the stroke will put right spin the cue ball. Therefore the cue ball is going to hit the rail after the 8 ball and come off that rail with a fair amount of speed enough to bring it to the side pocket or the corner pocket on the top and top left of the screen shot. The cue ball will keep most of its momentum. This shot needs to be hit fairly hard to get the 8 ball to the pocket, because the cue ball is "cutting" the 8 ball, which won't transfer much momentum on contact. In real life, on a real pool table, the cue ball is going to curve before it hits the object ball, so you have to aim a bit further right to account for the curve to the left on a long shot.īelow, a shot is lined up on the 8 ball in the 8 Ball Pool Miniclip game. Thus, in the video game, I can hit a shot from one rail to the other with put pure left spin on the ball and not have to account for the spin in the aim of the shot. In the 8 Ball Pool video game app, when putting English on your shot, the spin on the cue ball doesn't affect the cue ball's path before it hits the object ball. Here are a few of the discrepancies I readily noticed: English (Cue Spin) Before First Contact When I first started playing the 8 Ball Pool app, I instantly realized where the computer game differs from playing on a real pool table.

miniclip 8 ball pool aimer miniclip 8 ball pool aimer

I hated it at first, but realized it keeps the game moving and makes me a better player. I started playing 8 Ball Pool by Miniclip and was initially taken aback by the time limit on each shot.

#Miniclip 8 ball pool aimer full

So I looked up the pool games in the Apple Store and I readily found the full app version of the "8 Ball Pool" game by Miniclip. Thus, it only took one time that my father in law didn't play me back for a day where I needed to get my fix. There is no time limit on an individual shot or in between turns. The Facebook Messenger version of "8 Ball Pool" lets you take a turn, then it passes it back to the other person. But even just playing a video game on my phone, I still get a good adrenaline rush from running the table (winning the game in a single turn). My life has had many journeys that have taken me away from the game, and I've only played a few times since college. When I started playing my wife's father on my phone, it all came flooding back. Before I figured out what these guys were doing (and started listening to their sly teachings), I lost a lot of games I shouldn't have lost. I learned that while you do need physical skill to actually make shots, much more of the game was strategy. Though I was the typical arrogant young kid who knows it all, I did learn a lot from these guys. Some just wanted to try and a few bucks off of the "rich" college kids (I went to a state school because tuition was cheap). Often times, some old sharks would come in and play us. I had a couple buddies with which I would often put in eight hour sessions We'd play all day long. Actually, often times I would play pool in lieu of studying for an exam (but still somehow graduated with honors). If I wasn't studying for an exam, I was playing pool. We played all the time on the clock.Įven when I wasn't working, I was playing. Though we weren't supposed to play on the clock, we did. My favorite days to work were Saturday mornings because the place was mostly empty, so we'd play pool on one of the tables close to the register. We played a bunch of games together, and by the way I initially won a majority of the games, it was clear I initially knew something he didn't.īack when I was in college, I loved playing pool so much that I got a job at the school's recreation center, which had 16 pool tables. He said that yes he did, so I played him and I quickly became addicted. So I texted him, outside of FB Messenger, and asked if he invited me to play a game. I wasn't expecting a game request to come on my phone's Facebook Messenger app. A few weeks ago, I received a message on Facebook Messenger from my father in law to play a game of "8 Ball Pool".

Miniclip 8 ball pool aimer